WELL SUITED!! Shop the latest designer pieces now!!
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The festive season is well and truly nearing an end, and if you are struggling with the reality of being well and truly back at work, then my suggestion is to change up your look and own the new year ahead. Yeah that’s right the year is well and truly in full swing and many of my friends have been shopping around for their 2018 work wardrobe. When asking my advice on what I think they should be looking to don for that professional yet individual look for the year ahead, my answer for 2018 is the suit!
A suit gives you the feeling of empowerment, and with fashion trends from fall overseas, the suit in a way seems to be replacing the athileisure trend of recent years. You may buy the power pieces for a day at the office, but then team with more casual kicks and a tee for a more off duty take on tailoring. You’d also have noted that the blazer be it in a check or block colour is also very much the 2018 vibe!
At aceyacey.com.au at the mo we’ve had a influx of just amazing mostly brand new designer suits that will have you sorted for your work wear dilemmas. The saying ‘that one person’s suit is another’s treasure’, really is true in the world of aceyacey.com.au pre-loved clothing this month. Reasons people part with fantastic pieces can be anything from, not right for them, to worn once to an event and can’t be seen in it again, to the wrong size and can’t return, or simply a fashion faux par for their own personal taste, but whatever the reason we have a killer new range waiting here for you.
Keep scrolling for a few of the new designer items on offer in store (included some amazing sparkles), and we’re offering 10% off with the code SUITED for the next week just apply at checkout!!!