Wardrobe Malfunction In The City! YOU WILL WANT TO SHARE THIS
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"Eventually all the pieces fall into place . . . until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason." — Carrie
Since its debut in 1998 Sex In The City has and always will be a fantastic fashion resource when needing some outfit inspiration. The iconic series changed the game in fashion rules with clashing patterns and styles made to look oh so chic, and it really cemented my fashion style to dare to be different. Every outfit styled by Patricia Fields had a purpose and played into the scene just as heavily as the script and I adored every minute of the fashion feast!

How could I not have noticed this until 20 years later!! I’ve admired that stunning white number so many times, but never spotted when Carrie hugs Charlotte it reveals a normally unwearable mishap on the garment!! (circled). I’ve googled around to see if anyone else has picked up this rip but I couldn’t find it anywhere!!
So this solidifies my thoughts- yes a fashion tragedy may happen, but really no one is going to notice- or for that matter care. As long as it fixable, don’t sweat it! We’re all human, and everyone gets lippy on their teeth, makeup on their shirt collar or an accidental spill! If fashion icon Carrie can get away with it, we can to!!
At aceyacey.com.au we have some great statement fashion that definitely won’t make people notice you for the wrong reason, keep scrolling for some new additions to the site!
Rach xx
Spell Designs
American Vintage
Sweet Papillon
Blank Denim NYC
Children Of The